
Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda Museum

Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda Museum

Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda Museum

The magnificent history of Kerala is incomplete without mentioning the traditional medicinal practice of Ayurveda, known as the knowledge of life.

This valuable wisdom, almost 5000 years old, is respected as a holistic healing tradition that now has the respect of people from all over the world. The Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda Museum, located around 9 km away from Thrissur in Thaikkattussery near Ollur is the first of its kind in the history of Ayurveda. The museum elaborately explains the evolution of Ayurveda medicine with sculptures and portraits of revered seers in this stream, multimedia and 3D technology which make it highly informative and interesting to explore.

The audio-visual theatre showcasing the story of Ayurveda with a capacity of 40 persons at a time is another attraction for group trips. An advanced digital library along with an incredible physical collection of ancient scripts and texts is also a part of this museum created and maintained by the Ashtavaidyan Thaikkattu Mooss Vaidyaratnam Group of Institutions.

Being a 100-year-old traditional Kerala architectural wonder, the museum building itself is a fascinating sight to see along with the collection of numerous medicinal plants on its premises. Spread across three blocks called Acharya Gruham, the main museum complex and the digital theatre, it is bound to enlighten you on this natural system of healing. 

How to Reach

By Road
By Road
Thrissur Bus Stand, about 8.5 km
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By Rail
By Rail
Thrissur Railway Station, about 9 km
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By Air
By Air
Cochin International Airport, about 42 km
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More Info

+91 487 235 0230

Adults: ₹50
Kids: ₹20

All days: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Only offline booking is available

+91 487 235 0230

Adults: ₹50
Kids: ₹20

All days: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Only offline booking is available

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